"Trump will go down in flames"

Jason Stutman

Posted January 29, 2017

“Is this a serious article? Trump will go down in flames. His party is crumbling as I type this and the Electoral College will hand Hillary a big victory. Wow!”

The quote above comes from a Wealth Daily subscriber in July of last year. It’s just one of many I received in a barrage of angry and bewildered comments when I first declared that Trump would take the White House last summer.

Looking back, I can’t help but chuckle a little at the backlash, but I can understand the overconfidence…

At the time, Republican candidate Donald Trump was trailing tremendously in terms of political betting odds. Convinced by the narrative of the mainstream media and flawed polling methods, and reinforced by their respective filter bubbles, many Americans had already written off the possibility of a Trump presidency entirely.

To suggest that Trump even had a chance of winning at the time was seen as laughable and naive, but based on the political landscape as I saw it, I put out an article dressed in what some considered a completely absurd headline: “Donald Trump Effectively Secures the White House.”

As you might expect, this drew quite a bit of ire from some of our readership. The day we sent out that email, our inbox was effectively split in two: Trump fans cheered me on, while prospective Hillary voters called me names and levied all sorts of charges of political hackery.

“I thought this was an investment newsletter, not a fringe political website!” one of our readers lamented.

But the reality is I wasn’t acting as a partisan pundit with this particular forecast. I wasn’t cheering Trump on or arguing he was the better candidate — as the above comment would suggest, that’s not my job.

The truth is I was only calling it as I saw it, and the way I saw it, inner chasms were tearing the Democratic Party apart, while the left’s identity politics were driving enthusiasm on the right. Whether I supported Trump, Hillary, or a third party was irrelevant to the article: it pays (literally, in some cases) to be objective at times when everyone else’s heads are buried in the sand.

Accepting Reality: The Best Investment Strategy, Period

No doubt, the 2016 election has given a pretty bad name to forecasters, at least those in the mainstream. It’s difficult to trust these people when they keep getting everything wrong.

Trump will never run; Trump’s ceiling is 15%; Trump’s ceiling is 25%; Trump’s ceiling is 35%; Trump will never be the nominee; Trump will never be the President of the United States; Trump will never kill TPP; Trump will never repeal Obamacare; Trump will never build the wall…

Yet Here We Are…

While this all may have certain members of the left kicking and screaming, no amount or degree of tantrums is going to change the very fabric of reality. The sooner you realize there’s a difference between what you want to happen and what is likely to happen, the better off you’re going to be as an investor.

As far as politics pertain to picking stocks, it’s always important to remove your political self from the equation. Objectivity isn’t something many people can seem to get a hold of these days, but for those of us willing to put our political biases aside, there are always special situations to take advantage of on the market.

Last summer, I released three reports to subscribers of my investment newsletter, Technology and Opportunity, each covering a stock I predicted would run up because of Trump’s border initiative. We promoted the reports to readers of Wealth Daily through the headline “The Great Wall of America,” but it was a total flop, presumably because no one believed Trump would ever win at the time.

Fast-forward to today, though, and all three of the stocks covered in these reports are up substantially. We’re currently sitting on three double-digit gains — +42%, +26%, and +29% — but there’s plenty room to run.

Three Companies to Play “The Wall”

The first of these companies manufactures and markets steel wire reinforcing products for concrete construction applications. It has 10 world-class manufacturing facilities, with three conveniently located along the southern border: one in Dayton, Texas; one in Houston, Texas; and one in Kingman, Arizona.

This company already has the production capacity to support a sudden surge in demand. Its existing facilities already have the capacity to generate over $700 million in annual revenue — enough to increase its current top line by 56%.

The second is a play on concrete, and it’s a construction powerhouse. The company has a distribution network in the U.S. of 13 cement plants, 42 terminals, and 381 ready-mix concrete plants — the bulk of which are conveniently located right along the U.S.–Mexico border.

This firm even recently invented fire- and explosion-proof concrete — the perfect complement to a secure border initiative.

The third and final firm is our nation’s leading manufacturer of construction equipment. The company develops and markets construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines, and diesel-electric locomotives worldwide.

On top of being a prime candidate for contract work, this company was recently revealed to be the second-largest equity holding in a Deutsche Bank brokerage account owned by none other than Donald Trump himself. It’s also the second-largest holding in his J.P. Morgan account…

Better yet, in a recent press conference, Trump openly admitted that if and when the wall gets built, it will be this company that gets the job. The story doesn’t get much simpler than that.

We’re re-launching the aforementioned reports today, in light of Trump’s recent executive order to build a “contiguous wall” across the southern border. For those who want to join the ride, all the information you need is available in this brief video.

Until next time,

  JS Sig

Jason Stutman

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